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lördag 13 december 2014

The Diary Of Anne Frank (O.S.T.) (Audio CD)

The soundtrack was ok, not really my style of Music, but hey this was library copy for free :D

The disc is from library and looks like this:

Youtube playlist:

Buy the disc at Amazon.

Discogs link:
They don't have the CD album!
Total time:
37 min 55sec

Album artist:  Alfred Newman

1. The Diary Of Anne Frank (Overture).
2. Families In Hiding (The Secret Annex).
3. The First Day.
4. The Captives - Spring Is Coming.
5. Ericka.
6. Date With Peter.
7. The First Kiss.
8. The Dearness Of You, Peter.
9. Epilogue.

Sehnsucht (Audio CD)

Just awesome!!! I love ramstein!

The disc is from library and looks like this:

Youtube playlist:

Buy the disc at Amazon.

Discogs link:

Total time:
44 min.

Album artist: Ramstein.

1. Sehnsucht.
2. Engel.
3. Tier.
4. Bestrafe Mich.
5. Du Hast.
6. Bück Dich.
7. Spiel Mit Mir.
8. Klavier.
9. Alter Mann.
10. Eifersucht.
11. Küss Mich (Fellfrosch).


It is great that there is a library... this double album wasn't that great. I didn't pay anything!

The disc is from library and looks like this:

Youtube playlist:

Buy the disc at Amazon.

Discogs link:

Other link for this album:

Total time:
CD 1.
1h 17 min 31sec.
CD 2.
59 min 56 sec.

Album artist:  Various, see playlist!


CD 1:
1. Can — Aspectacle.
2. Between — Devotion.
3. Harmonia — Dino.
4. Gila — This Morning.
5. Kollectiv — Rambo Zambo.
6. Michael Bundt — La Chasse Aux Microbes.
7. E.M.A.K — Filmmusik.
8. Popol Vuh — Morgengruss.
9. Conrad Schnitzler — Auf Dem Schwarzen Kanal.
10. La Düsseldorf — Rheinita.
11. Harmonia — Veterano.
12. Faust — It's A Rainy Day, Sunshine Girl.
13. Neu! — Hallo Gallo.

CD 2:
1. Cluster — Heisse Lippen.
2. Ibliss — Hi Life.
3. Dieter Moebius — Hasenheide.
4. Amon Duul II — Fly United.
5. Popol Vuh — Aguirre 1.
6. Ash Ra Tempel — Daydream.
7. Tangerine Dream — No Man's Land.
8. Amon Duul II — Wie Der Wind Am Ende Einer Strasse.
9. Roedelius — Geradewohl.
10. Can — I Want More.
11. Deuter — Soham.

Cosmic Egg (Audio CD)

It is ok Music, nothing really special, just ok :D

The disc is from library and looks like this:

Youtube playlist:

Buy the disc at Amazon.

Discogs link:

Total time:
53 min 47 sec

Album artist: Wolfmother

1. California Queen.
2. New Moon Rising.
3. White Feather.
4. Sundial.
5. In The Morning.
6. 10,000 Feet.
7. Cosmic Egg.
8. Far Away.
9. Pilgrim.
10. In The Castle.
11. Phoenix.
12. Violence Of The Sun.

söndag 7 december 2014

Berättelserna (Book)

I start really wonder now... What am I Reading on... He writes with North Swedish accent... it is hard to understand... And his Writings... not my taste at all... It was fun here and there though!

The book is from library and looks like this:

Youtube playlist:

Buy this book at Amazon.

Bokbörsen link:

Total time in Talkingbook version:
14 h 48 min 58 sec.

Author: Torgny Lindgren.

Playlist for talkingbook:
1. Intro.
2. Copyright info.
3. Book info.
4. Backcovertext.
5. Innehåll. (Contents).
6. I.
7. Skräddar Molin. (Tailor Molin).
8. Störstorden. (The greatest words).
9. Predikan I. (sermon I).
10 . Predikan II. (sermon II).
11. Predikan III. (sermon III).
12. Merabs skönhet. (Merabs beauty).
13. Brev I: Vatten. (Letter I: Water).
14. Brev II: Den sanna kärleken. (Letter II: The true love).
15. Stubbrytaren. (stump-grubber).
16. Rut och Signar. (Rut and Signar).
17. Femfingermandeln. (Five finger almonds).
18. Cecilia och hennes make. (Cecilia and her husband).
19. Elis i Lillåberg. (Elis in Lillåberg).
20. II.
21. Uppfinningarnas moder. (The mother of inventions).
22. Alfred Krummens.
23. Lot och hans hustru. (Lot and his wife).
24. Trädet. (The tree).
25. Anette Svensson och Anden. (Anette Svensson and the Spirit).
26. Aposteln Jakob. (The Apostle James).
27. Freja och Rungner. (Freja and Rungner).
28. Två helgon. (Two saints).
29. Josua.
30. Pokerspelarna. (The pokerplayers).
31. Prazalanz.
32. III.
33. Uppenbarelseboken. (Revelation).
34. Huset. (The house).
35. Brokiga blad. (Variegated leaf).
36. Das Lied von der Erde. (The Song of the Earth).
37. Buddha och duvan. (Buddha and the dove).
38. Mål! (Goal!).
39. Selma och Verner. (Selma and Verner).
40. Zorn.
41. Thomas Manns begravning. (Thomas Mann's funeral).
42. Trappan. (The stairs).
43. Outro!

tisdag 25 november 2014

Illusionen om Gud (Book)

He writes good and has good point in the most he says, but there is a lot that I can't accept...
Book from library!

The book is from library and looks like this:

Youtube playlist:

Buy this book at Amazon. (English)

Bokbörsen link: (Swedish)

Total time in Talkingbook version:
17h 17 min 26 sec

Author: Richard Dawkins (joke name "And only as a joke": Dic'hard Rawkins)

001 - Introduction.
002 - Copyright Info.
003 - Talkingbook Information.
004 - Baksidestext & Flik. (Blurb & Tab).
005 - Dedication.
006 - Innehåll. (Contents).
007 - Förord. (Foreword).
008 - Förord Till Pocketutgåvan. (Preface to the Paperback Edition).
009 - 1. En Djupt Religiös Icke-troende. (1. A deeply religious non-believer).
010 - Välförtjänt Respekt. (Deserved respect).
011 - Oförtjänt Respekt. (Undererved respect).
012 - 2. Gudshypotesen. (God hypothesis).
013 - Title In The Previous File.
014 - Polyteism. (polytheism).
015 - Monoteism. (monotheism).
016 - Sekularismen, Grundlagsfäderna Och Amerikas Religion. (Secularism, the Founding Fathers and Americas Religion).
017 - Agnosticismens Fattigdom. (The poverty of agnosticism).
018 - Kan Vetenskapen Kullkasta Gudshypotesen? (Can Science overthrow God hypothesis?).
019 - Det Stora Böneexperimentet. (The Great Prayer experiment).
020 - Evolutionismens Undfallande Variant. (Evolutionisms appeasers Variant).
021 - Små Gröna Gubbar. (Small green men).
022 - 3. Bevis För Guds Existens. (3. Proof of God's Existence).
023 - Thomas Av Aquinos Bevis. (Thomas of Aquinas Evidence).
024 - Det Ontologiska Beviset Och Andra A Priori-bevis. (The Ontological Proof and other A-Priori proof).
025 - Beviset Byggt På Skönhet. (Proof Built In Beauty).
026 - Beviset Byggt På Personlig Erfarenhet. (Proof Built on personal experience).
027 - Beviset Byggt På Bibeln. (The proof Built On The Bible).
028 - Beviset Hämtat Från Beundrade Troende Vetenskapsmän. (Evidence Taken From Admired Believer Scientists).
029 - Pascals Vad. (Pascal's bet).
030 - Bayestiska Bevis. (Bayesian Evidence).
031 - 4. Varför det med största sannolikhet inte finns någon Gud. (4. Why there almost certainly is no God).
032 - Den ultimata Boeing 747. (The ultimate Boeing 747).
033 - Det naturliga urvalet och medvetenheten. (Natural selection and awareness).
034 - En komplexitet som inte kan reduceras. (A complexity that can not be reduced).
035 - Alla dessa luckor. (All these gaps).
036 - Den antropiska principen: Planetversionen. (The anthropic principle: Planet version).
037 - Den antropiska principen: Den kosmologiska versionen. (The anthropic principle: cosmological version).
038 - Ett mellanspel i Cambridge. (An interlude in Cambridge).
039 - 5. Religionens rötter. (5. The roots of religion).
040 - Det Darwinistiska imperativet. (The Darwinian imperative).
041 - Direkta fördelar med religionen. (Direct benefits of religion).
042 - Gruppselektion. (Group Selection).
043 - Religionen som en biprodukt av något annat. (Religion as a byproduct of something else).
044 - Psykologiskt preparerad för religionen. (Psychologically prepared for religion).
045 - Träd varligt, för du trampar på mina memer. (Walk with care, because you tread on my memes).
046 - Cargokulter. (Cargo Cults).
047 - 6. Moralens rötter: varför är vi goda? (6. Morality roots: why are we good?).
048 - Har vårt sinne för moral ett Darwinistiskt ursprung? (Has our sense of morality a Darwinian origin?).
049 - En fallstudie av moralens rötter. (A case study of morality roots).
050 - 7. Den "goda" boken och den föränderliga moraliska tidsandan. (7. The "good" book and the changing moral zeitgeist).
051 - Gamla testamentet. (The Old Testament).
052 - Är nya testamentet bättre då? (Is the New Testament better then?).
053 - Älska din nästa. ("Love your neighbor").
054 - Den moraliska tidsandan. (The moral zeitgeist).
055 - Hitler och Stalin då? De var ju ateister? (Hitler and Stalin then? They were atheists?).
056 - 8. Vad är det för fel med religion? Varför all denna fientlighet? (8. What's wrong with religion? Why all this hostility?)
057 - Fundamentalismen och undergrävandet av vetenskapen. (Fundamentalisms and the undermining of science).
058 - Absolutismens mörka sida. (The dark side of Absolutism).
059 - Tron och homosexualiteten. (Faith and homosexuality).
060 - Det falska Beethoven Argumentet. (The false argument of Beethoven).
061 - Hur "moderation" i tron ger upphov till fanatism. (How "moderation" of the faith gives rise to fanaticism).
062 - 9. Barndom, övergrepp och flykten från religionen. (9. Childhood, abuse and the escape from religion).
063 - Fysisk och psykisk misshandel. (Physical and mental abuse).
064 - Till barnens försvar. (Defense of children).
065 - En skolskandal. (A school scandal).
066 - Medvetenheten igen. (awareness again).
067 - Religionsundervisning som en del av den litterära kulturen. (Religion is taught as a part of literary culture).
068 - 10. En välbehövlig lucka? (10. A much needed gap?).
069 - Binker.
070 - Tröst. (consolation).
071 - Inspiration.
072 - Alla burkors moder. (All mothers burkors).
073 - Noter. (footnotes).
073 - Litteratur. (Litterature).
074 - Register. (Index).

lördag 22 november 2014

Shostakovich: String Quartets (Complete), Vol. 6 (Audio CD)

You just need classical Music to relax from reality.

The disc is from library and looks like this:

Youtube playlist:

Buy the disc at Amazon.

Discogs link:

Total time:
1h 00 min 45 sec

Album artist: Shostakovich

String Quartet No. 1, Op. 49 14:54
      in C major - in C-Dur - en si ut majeur 
1 I Moderato 4:31
2 II Moderato 4:45
3 III Allegro molto 2:17
4 IV Allegro 3:20
 String Quartet No. 12, Op. 133 29:02
      in D flat major - in Des-Dur - en ré bémol majeur 
5 II Moderato 7:41
6 III Allegretto - Adagio - Allegretto 21:20
 Piano Quintet, Op. 57* 32:52
      in G minor - in g-Moll - en sol mineur 
7 I Prelude. Lento - 4:46
8 II Fugue. Adagio 11:01
9 III Scherzo. Allegretto 3:18
10 IV Intermezzo. Lento - 6:22
11 V Finale. Allegretto 7:23

Uppväxt (Book)

By a Swedish writer, it was interesting.

The book is from library and looks like this: (Stock image)

Youtube playlist:

Buy this book at Amazon. (Swedish)

Bokbörsen link: (Swedish)

Total time in Talkingbook version:
8h 32 min 31 sec

Author: Hans Falk

1. Dedication.
2. Chapter 1.
3. Chapter 2.
4. Chapter 3.
5. Chapter 4.
6. Chapter 5.
7. Chapter 6.
8. Chapter 7.
9. Chapter 8.
10. Chapter 9.
11. Chapter 10.
12. Chapter 11.
13. Chapter 12.
14. Chapter 13.
15. Chapter 14.
16. Chapter 15.
17. Chapter 16.
18. Chapter 17.
19. Chapter 18.
20. Chapter 19.
21. Chapter 20.
22. Chapter 21.
23. Chapter 22.
24. Chapter 23.
25. Chapter 24.
26. Chapter 25.
27. Chapter 26.
28. Chapter 27.
29. Chapter 28.
30. Chapter 29.
31. Chapter 30.
32. Chapter 31.
33. Chapter 32.
33. Chapter 33.

Leaving (Audio CD)

Another Swedish electroacustic Music disc that I found at library... I have almost no info about this...!

The disc is from library and looks like this:

Youtube playlist:

Buy the disc at Amazon.

Discogs link:

Total time:
? h ? min ? sec

Album artist: Calmestrand. 
1. Before leaving
2. Openminded.
3. Influenced.
4. Soul distress.
5. Recollection.
6. Separation.
7. Relieved.
8. Leaving.

UTP_ (audio cd)

Really really interesting electroacustic Music, This is my kind of Music!

The disc is from library and looks like this:

Youtube playlist:

Buy the disc at Amazon.

Discogs link:

Total time:
1h 11 min 57 sec

Album artist:  Alva Noto + Ryuichi Sakamoto with Ensemble Modern.

01. Attack / Transition.
02. Grains.
03. Particle 1.
04. Transition.
05. Broken Line 1.
06. Plateaux 1.
07. Silence.
08. Particle 2.
09. Broken Line 2.
10. Plateaux 2 / End.

söndag 16 november 2014

Imaginære positioner (Audio CD)

Danish electroacustic Music!

The disc is from library and looks like this:

Youtube playlist:

Buy the disc at Amazon.

Discogs link:

You might find it if you google!

Total time:
?h ?? min ?? sec. (Can't remember how much this was at)

Album artist: Bue Nordström

1. Ormespor.
2. Skyggedans.
3. Demaskering.
4. Slangedrab.
5. Tavssne.
6. Vinterhjerte.
7. Tornerose revisited.

Pauline OlIl veros and American Voices - In Memoriam, Mr. Whitney / St. George And The Dragon (Audio CD)

Really calm good electroacustic Music!

The disc is from library and looks like this:

Youtube playlist:

Buy the disc at Amazon.

Discogs link:

Total time:
1h 5 min 43 sec.

Album artist: Pauline Oliveros & American Voices

1. In Memoriam, Mr. Whitney. 18:22.
2. St. George And The Dragon. 47:21.

lördag 15 november 2014

A Blink of the Screen: Collected Short Fiction (Book)

Fantastic, he is the best writer ever! :D A short story Collection!

The book is from library and looks like this:

Youtube playlist:

Buy this book at Amazon.

Bokbörsen link:

Total time: (for audio book)
8h 31 min.

Full booktitle: A Blink of the Screen: Collected Short Fiction                                

Author: Terry Pratchett.

Chapter list:
  • Foreword by A. S. Byatt
  • Non-Discworld Shorter Writings
  1. "The Hades Business" (1963)
  2. "Solution" (1964)
  3. "The Picture" (1965)
  4. "The Prince and the Partridge" (1968)
  5. "Rincemangle, The Gnome of Even Moor" (1973)
  6. "Kindly Breathe in Short, Thick Pants" (1976)
  7. "The Glastonbury Tales" (1977)
  8. "There's No Fool Like an Old Fool Found in an English Queue" (1978)
  9. "Coo, They've Given Me the Bird" (1978)
  10. "And Mind the Monoliths" (1978)
  11. "The High Meggas" (1986)
  12. "Twenty Pence, with Envelope and Seasonal Greeting" (1987)
  13. "Incubust" (1988)
  14. "Final Reward" (1988)
  15. "Turntables of the Night" (1989)
  16. "#ifdefDEBUG + `world/enough' + `time'" (1990)
  17. "Hollywood Chickens" (1990)
  18. "The Secret Book of the Dead" (1991)
  19. "Once and Future" (1995)
  20. "FTB" (1996)
  21. "Sir Joshua Easement: A Biographical Note" (2010)
  • Discworld Shorter Writings
  1. "Troll Bridge" (1992)
  2. "Theatre of Cruelty" (1993)
  3. "The Sea and Little Fishes" (1998)
  4. "The Ankh-Morpork National Anthem" (1999)
  5. "Medical Notes" (2002)
  6. "Thud: A Historical Perspective" (2002)
  7. "A Few Words from Lord Havelock Vetinari" (2002)
  8. "Death and What Comes Next" (2004)
  9. "A Collegiate Casting-Out of Devilish Devices" (2005)
  10. "Minutes of the Meeting to Form the Proposed Ankh-Morpork Federation of Scouts" (2007)
  11. "The Ankh-Morpork Football Association Hall of Fame playing cards" (2009)
  • Appendix
  1. Deleted extract from "The Sea and Little Fishes" (1998)
  2. List of Illustrations

The Harry Partch Collection Volume 1 (Audio CD)

Just a random pick of electroacustic Music... not my kind of style but still Worth a listen or two :D

The disc is from library and looks like this:

Youtube playlist:

Buy the disc at Amazon.

Discogs link:

Total time:
1h 14 min 55 sec
Full title: The Harry Partch Collection Volume 1

Album artist:  Harry Partch

Eleven Intrusions (1949-50)  21:07

Study On Olympos' Pentatonic  1:20 
Study On Archytas' Enharmonic  2:02 
The Rose  1:42 
The Crane  1:41 
The Waterfall  1:11 
The Wind  1:45 
The Street  2:46 
Lover  1:53 
Soldiers - War - Another War  2:03 
Vanity  0:49 
Cloud-Chamber Music  3:55 

Plectra And Percussion Dances Satyr-Play Music For Dance Theater (1952) 
I. Castor & Pollux - A Dance For The Twin Rhythms Of Gemini  15:23

Castor  7:41 
Pollux  7:42 

II. Ring Around The Moon - A Dance Fantasm For Here And Now  9:22

Phase One - Well, Bless My Soul! (Well, Bless My Soul!)  2:48 
Phase Two - One, Two, Three - X,Y,Z  2:13 
Phase Three - Shake Hands Now, Boys, And At The Sound Of The Bell Come Out Fighting!  2:55 
Phase Four - Mumbo Jumbo, Hocus Pocus, Hoity Toity, Hotsy Totsy, Acey Deucy, Hoochy-Koochy (Look Out! He's Got A Gun!)  1:26 

Even Wild Horses - Dance Music For An Absent Drama  22:46

Act I, Scene 1 A Decent And Honorable Mistake (Samba)  2:42 
Act I, Scene 2 Rhythm Of The Womb - Melody Of The Grave (Heartbeat Rhythm)  3:00 
Act I, Scene 3 Happy Birthday To You! (Afro-Chinese Minuet)  2:47 
Act II, Scene 1 "Nor These Lips Upon Your Eyes" (Rumba)  3:26 
Act II, Scene 2 "Hunger, Thirst, Shouts, Dance!" (Naniga)  2:12 
Act II, Scene 3 "Land Of Darkness And Of Whirlwinds" (Slow, Fast, Wild!)  3:31 
Act III, Scene 1 "Had I Not Once A Lovely Youth!" (Conga)  2:47 
Act III, Scene 2 "Let Us Contemplate Undazzed The Endless Reaches Of My Innocence" (Tahitian Dance)  2:21 

Ulysses At The Edge (1955) 

Ulysses At The Edge  6:39 

Audio Art - Kommunismens Svarta Bok (Book)

A extreamly interesting book about how bad the communism was! Book is from library!

The book is from library and looks like this:

Audio Art on Youtube (Not complete as I abandoned the Project!)

Buy this book at Amazon. (In original language: French)

Bokbörsen: (Book in Swedish)

Total time as talkingbook:
65h 44 min.

Original Book title: Le Livre noir du communisme: Crimes, terreur, répression

001 - Talkingbook Information.
002 - Talkingbook Instructions.
003 - Baksidestext Och Flikar. (blurb and tabs).
004 - Innehåll. (Contents).
005 - Förord Historiens Skiljepunkter Arne Ruth. (Preface. History Distinguish points. Arne Ruth).
006 - Kommunismens Brott. (Crimes of Communism).
007 - Del 1 - En Stat Mot Sitt Folk + Kartor. (Part 1 - A state against its people + maps).
008 - Kapitel 1 - Oktoberrevolutionens Paradoxer Och Missförstånd. (Chapter 1 - The October Revolution Paradoxes and Misunderstandings).
009 - Kapitel 2 - Den Proletära Diktaturens Väpnade Arm. (Chapter 2 - The Proletarian Dictatorship Armed Arm).
010 - Kapitel 3 - Den Röda Terrorn. (Chapter 3 - The red terror).
011 - Kapitel 4 - Det Smutsiga Kriget. (Chapter 4 - The Dirty War).
012 - Kapitel 5 - En Stat Mot Sitt Folk. (Chapter 5 - A state against its people).
013 - Kapitel 6 - Från Vapenstilleståndet Till Den Stora Vändningen. (Chapter 6 - From the Armistice to the Great Turnaround).
014 - Kapitel 7 - Tvångskollektivisering Och Avkulakisiering. (Chapter 7 - forced collectivization and de-kulakisation).
015 - Kapitel 8 - Den Stora Hungersnöden. (Chapter 8 - The Great Famine).
016 - Kapitel 9 - Socialt Främmande Element Och Repressiva Cykler. (Chapter 9 - Socially Undesirable Elements and repressive Cycles).
017 - Kapitel 10 - Den Stora Terrorn. (Chapter 10 - The Great Terror).
018 - Kapitel 11 - Lägerimperiet. (Chapter 11 - Camp Empire).
019 - Kapitel 12 - Segerns Baksida. (Chapter 12 - Victory Backside).
020 - Kapitel 13 - Gulagimperiets Höjdpunkt Och Kris. (Chapter 13 - The Gulag Empire's height and Crisis).
021 - Kapitel 14 - Sista Komplotten. (Chapter 14 - Last Conspiracy).
022 - Kapitel 15 - Stalinismens Sorti. (Chapter 15 - Stalinism exit).
023 - Sammanfattning. (summary).
024 - Del 2 - Världsrevolution, Inbördeskrig Och Terror. (Part 2 - World Revolution, Civil War And Terror).
025 - Kapitel 1 - Komintern I Aktion. (Chapter 1 - The Comintern in action).
026 - Revolutionen I Europa. (The revolution in Europe).
027 - Komintern Och Inbördeskrig. (Comintern and civil war).
028 - Diktatur, Kriminalisering Av Oppositionella Och Represion Inom Komintern. (Dictatorship, criminalization of opponents and Represion Within Comintern).
029 - Den Stora Terrorn Drabbar Komintern. (The Great Terror Affects Comintern).
030 - Terrorn Inom Kommunistpartierna. (The Terror Within Communist parties).
031 - Jakten På Trotskisterna. (Hunt for Trotskyists).
032 - Utländska Antifascister och Revolutionärer offer för terrorn i Sovjetunionen. (Foreign Antifascists and revolution victims of terror in the Soviet Union).
033 - Inbördeskrig Och Nationellt Befrielsekrig. (Civil war and the war of national liberation).
034 - Kapitel 2 - Spanien I Skuggan Av Nkvd. (Chapter 2 - Spain in the shadow of the NKVD).
035 - Kommunisternas Almänna Linje. (General terms Communist line).
036 - Rådgivare Och Agenter. (Advisors and agents).
037 - Efter Förtalet ... Nackskottet - Victor Serge. (After Slander ... Neck shot - Victor Serge).
038 - Maj 1937 Och Likvideringen Av Poum. (May 1937 and the liquidation of Poum).
039 - NKVD Skrider Till Verket. (NKVD proceeds to works).
040 - En Moskvaprocess I Barcelona. (A Moscow Process In Barcelona).
041 - I De Internationella Brigaderna. (In The International Brigades).
042 - Exilen Och Döden I Proletärernas Fosterland. (Exile And Death In The proletarian Motherland).
043 - Kapitel 3 - Kommunism Och Terrorism. (Chapter 3 - Communism and Terrorism).
044 - Del 3 - Det Andra Europa - Kommunismens Offer. (Part 3 - The Other Europe - Victims of Communism).
045 - Kapitel 1 - Polen, Fiendestaten. (Chapter 1 - Poland, Enemy State).
046 - 1.1 Sovjets Förtryck Av Polackerna. (1.1 Soviet oppression of Poles).
047 - Affären Med Pow (polsk Frikår) Och Nkdvs Polska Operation (1933-1938). (The deal with Pow (Polish Freikorps) And Nkdvs Polish operation. (1933-1938)).
048 - Katyn, Fängelser Och Deporteringar (1939-1941). (Katyn, Prisons and Deportations (1939-1941)).
049 - Nkvd Mot Armia Krajowa (nationalarmén). (NKVD Against the Armia Krajowa (National Army)).
050 - Litteratur. (Literature).
051 - 1.2 Polen 1944-1989. Repressionssystemet. (1.2 Poland 1944-1989. Repression system).
052 - Jakten På Staten Eller Massterrorn (1944-1947). (The Pursuit of the state or Mass Terror (1944-1947)).
053 - Samhället Som Erövring Eller Massterrorn (1948-1956). (Society As Conquest Or Mass Terror (1948-1956)).
054 - Den Reellt Existerande Socialismen Eller Systemet Med Selektiv Repression (1956-1981). (Actually existing socialism or the system with selective repression (1956-1981)).
055 - Krigstillståndet, Ett Försök Till Massrepression. (State of war, an attempt at mass repression).
056 - Från Eldupphör Till Kapitulation, Eller Makthavarnas Förvirring (1986-1989). (From Ceasefire to Capitulation, Or Confusion those in power (1986-1989)).
057 - Litteratur. (Litterature).
058 - Kapitel 2 - Central Och Sydosteuropa + En Importerad Terror. (Chapter 2 - Central and South Eastern Europe + A Imported Terror).
059 - De Politiska Processerna Mot Ickekommunistiska Allierade. (Political processes against non Communist Allies).
060 - Förstörelsen Av Det Civila Samhället. (The destruction of civil society).
061 - Småfolket Och Koncentrationslägersystemet. (Small people and Concentration System).
062 - Rättegångarna Mot De Kommunistiska Ledarna. (The trials of the Communist leaders).
063 - Från Postterror Till Postkommunism. (From Post terror to Post Communism).
064 - En Mångfasetterad Hantering Av Det Förflutna. (A Multifaceted Management of the past).
065 - Litteratur I Urval. (Literature In Selection).
066 - Del 4 - Kommunismen I Asien - Mellan Omskolning Och Massaker. (Part 4 - Communism In Asia - Between retraining and Massacre).
067 - Inledande Ord. (introductory Words).
068 - Inledning Till Del 4. (Introduction to Part 4).
069 - Karta. (Map).
070 - Kapitel 1 - Kina - En Lång Marsch I Mörkret. (Chapter 1 - China - a long march in the dark).
071 - En Tradition Av Våld? (A Tradition Of Violence?).
072 - En Revolution Oskiljaktlig Förknippad Med Skräckvälde (1927-1946). (A Revolution inseperable associated with terror (1927-1946)).
073 - Jordbruksreformen Och Utrensningar I Städerna (1946-1957). (Agricultural Policy reform and rationalization of the Cities (1946-1957)).
074 - Kampanjerna: Tvång Till Lydnad Och Social Ingenjörskonst. (Campaigns: Forced obedience and social engineering).
075 - Städerna - Salamitaktik Och Exporteringar. (The cities - Salami Tactics And Export Rings).
076 - Den Största Svälten I Historien (1959-1961). (The greatest famine in history (1959-1961)).
077 - Kartor. (Maps).
078 - Ett Dolt Gulag - Laogai. (A Hidden Gulag - Laogai).
079 - Det Mest Befolkade Fängelsesystem Genom Tiderna. (The most populated prison system through the ages).
080 - På Spaning Efter Den Nya Människan. (In Search of the New Man).
081 - Brotslingar, Oundvikligen Brotslingar. (Brotslingar, Oundvikligen Brotslingar).
082 - Kulturrevolutionen - En Anarkistisk Totalitarism (1966-1976). (Cultural Revolution - An Anarchist Totalitarianism (1966-1976)).
083 - Revolutionens Aktörer. (Operators of revolution).
084 - Rödgardisternas Storhetstid. (Red Guards Heyday).
085 - Revolutionärerna Och Deras Ledare. (The revolutionaries and their leaders).
086 - Från Fraktionsstridernas Utbrott Till Rebellernas Krossande. (From Fraction struggles outbreaks to the rebels' Crushing).
087 - Deng-perioden: Terrorns Upplösande (efter 1976). (Deng period: Terror Disrupting (after 1976)).
088 - Tibet - Folkmord På Världens Tak? (Genocide On Top of the World?).
089 - Kapitel 2 - Nordkorea, Vietnam Och Laos - Draksådden. (Chapter 2 - North Korea, Vietnam and Laos - Dragon's teeth).
090 - Brott, Terror, Och Hemligheter I Nordkorea. (Crimes, Terror, and secrets of North Korea).
091 - Före Kommuniststatens Bildande. (Prior Communist State Formation).
092 - Offer För Den Väpnade Kampen. (Victims of the armed struggle).
093 - Kommunistiska Offer För Den Nordkoreanska Partistaten. (Communist victims of the North Korean Party State).
094 - Avrättningarna. (The executions).
095 - Fängelse Och Läger. (The prison and Camps).
096 - Kontrollen Över Befolkningen. (Control of population).
097 - Ett Försök Till Intellektuellt Folkmord? (An attempted Intellectual Genocide?).
098 - Ett Strikt Hierarki. (A strict hierarchy).
099 - Flykten. (The escape).
100 - Verksamhet Utanför Landets Gränser. (Operations outside the country).
101 - Svält Och Livsmedelsbrist. (Famine and food shortages).
102 - Slutlig Sammanfattning. (final Summary).
103 - Vietnam - En Krigskommunism Och Dess Dödlägen. (Vietnam - A War Communism and its Deadlocks).
104 - Laos - Befolkningar På Flykt. (Laos - Populations on the run).
105 - Karta. (Map).
106 - Kapitel 3 - Kambodja: I Den Förvirrande Brottslighetens Land. (Chapter 3 - Cambodia: In The Confusing Country of crime).
107 - Skräckspiralen. (Horror spiral).
108 - Inbördeskrig (1970-1975). (Civil War (1970-1975)).
109 - Deporteringar Och Segmentering Av Befolkningen (1975-1979). (Deportations and segmentation of the population (1975-1979)).
110 - Utrensningarnas Och De Stora Massakrernas Tid (1976-1979). (Purges and the great massacres Time (1976-1979)).
111 - Variationer Kring En Martyrförteckning. (Variations around a Martyr List).
112 - Två Miljoner Döda? (Two million dead?).
113 - Måltavlor Och Misstänkta. (Targets and suspicious).
114 - Variationer I Tid Och Rum. (Variations in time and space).
115 - Den Dagliga Döden På Pol Pots Tid. (The Daily death on Pol Pots Time).
116 - En Lysande Framtid , Slaveri Och Svält. (A Brilliant Future, Slavery and Starvation).
117 - Från Rasering Av Hållpunkter Till Förvandling Av Människor Till Djur. (From the demolition of Hold Points To Transformation Of People To Animals).
118 - Brutalitetens Seger. (Brutality Victory).
119 - Mord Som Härskarmetod. (Murder as a reigning Method).
120 - Fängelsearkipelagen. (prison Archipelago).
121 - Galenskapens Orsaker. (Reasons for the madness).
122 - En Khmerundantag? (A Khmer Exception?).
123 - 1975: En Radikal Brytning. (1975: a radical break).
124 - En Paroxysm Av Marxism-lininism. (A Paroxysm Of Marxism-Leninism).
125 - En Exemplarisk Tyrann. (An exemplary Tyrant).
126 - Verklighetens Börda. (Burden of Reality).
127 - Ett Folkmord? (A Genocide?).
128 - Sammanfattning. (summary).
129 - Litteratur - Asien. (Litterature - Asia).
130 - Del 5 - Tredje Världen. (Part 5 - Third World).
131 - Kapitel 1 - Latinamerikas Motståndskraft Mot Kommunismen. (Chapter 1 - Latin America's resistance to Communism).
132 - Kuba: Den Ändlösa Tropiska Totalitarismen. (Cuba: The Endless Tropical Totalitarianism).
133 - Nicaragua: Ett Misslyckat Totalitärt Projekt. (Nicaragua: a failed totalitarian project).
134 - Peru: Sendero Luminosos Blodiga Långa Marsch. (Peru: Sendero Luminosos Bloody long march).
135 - Litteratur. (Litterature).
136 - Kapitel 2 - Afrokommunism: Etiopien, Angola, Moçambique. (Chapter 2 - Afro Communism: Ethiopia, Angola, Mozambique).
137 - Kommunismen I Afrikansk Tappning. (Communism in African Vintage).
138 - Den Röda Kejsardömet Etiopien. (The Red Ethiopian Empire).
139 - Våld På Portugisiska: Angola, Moçambique. (Violence in Portuguese: Angola, Mozambique).
140 - Folkrepubliken Angola. (People's Republic of Angola).
141 - Moçambique. (Mozambique).
142 - Kapitel 3 - Kommunismen I Afghanistan. (Chapter 3 - communism in Afghanistan).
143 - Afghanistan Och Sovjetunionen Från 1917 Till 1973. (Afghanistan and the Soviet Union from 1917 to 1973).
144 - De Afghanska Kommunisterna. (The Afghan communists).
145 - Mohammad Daouds Statskupp. (Mohammad Daouds coup).
146 - Stadskuppen I April 1978 Eller Saurrevolutionen. (Coup in April 1978 or Saur Revolution).
147 - Den Sovjetiska Interventionen. (The Soviet Intervention).
148 - Repressionens Omfattning + Flyktingfrågan. (Repression Scope + refugee issue).
149 - Förstörelse Av Byar Och Krigsbrott. (Destruction of Villages and War Crimes).
150 - Den Politiska Terrorn. (The political terror).
151 - Interventionens Konsekvenser. (intervention implications).
152 - Varför? (Why?).
153 - Register. (index).

IMPORTANT!!! I quit with audio art!

Why you ask? Youtube starts to block my videos as:

Rejected (duplicate upload) message

This message means that the video you've uploaded already exists within our system.
If you'd like to upload the same video again, note that simply changing the file name won't prevent the rejection message from showing.
Instead, please try editing the video again. For example, changing the video length (e.g. by adding extra frames by using video editing software) or compression should allow the video to upload.
I am 100% Sure that I didn't upload any duplicates.... Maybe the videos are too similar to each other... So I quit!

Please note that I will continue to post my books, audio cd's and stuff like that, the only change is that I won't have any audio art link anymore!


måndag 10 november 2014

Audio Art - Den gyllene krukan (Talkingbook)

A book that was written for kids... I Think so :D It was interesting!

This was a Swedish librarybook and looks like this:

Youtube playlist:

Buy the book at Amazon. (German)

Bokbörsen link:

Total time:
4h 25 min 35 sec.

Original title: Der goldne Topf

01 - Book Info And Talkingbook Info.
02 - Analog Conversion Information.
03 - Förord. (Foreword).
04 - Första vigilian. (First).
05 - Andra Vigilian. (Second).
06 - Tredje Vigilian. (Third).
07 - Fjärde Vigilian. (Fourth).
08 - Femte Vigilian. (Fifth).
09 - Sjätte Vigilian. (Sixth).
10 - Sjunde Vigilian. (Seventh).
11 - Åttonde Vigilian. (Eight).
12 - Nionde Vigilian. (Ninth).
13 - Tionde Vigilian. (Tenth).
14 - Elfte Vigilian. (Eleventh).
15 - Tolfte Vigilian + Outro. (Twelfth)